Monday, May 01, 2006

Feb 6 2006 - Current Status

Monday, February 06, 2006
Current status

Sorry we've not done a cast today. I know we were due to do one and I said we would but my head and heart wouldn't have been in it. I went to see Dad this afternoon and although he was in fine form chatting up the pretty nurses etc I could tell he was not 100% together.

He's received another 2 or 3 pints of blood over the last few days and his internal bleeding will continue until they nuke it with radiology. This is expected to happen early this week - Monday or Tuesday at either St. Thomas' or Barts... The blood (while it stays inside) makes his skin pink and his appetite good. They monitor his blood pressure three or four times a day.

I read the nursing notes at the foot of the bed and the large GI [gastro-intestinal] growth is already into the pancreas and the liver. I cannot beleive that mum and dad don't want to know how long he has got... I do...

Today has been brought to you by the number 14 and the letter U

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